About Me

Growing up, I was always self-conscious about my weight. I never felt like I fit in with my peers and would often avoid social situations because of it. As I got older, I tried every diet and weight loss program under the sun, but nothing seemed to work. I would lose weight, only to gain it back and then some. It was a never-ending cycle.

One day, I decided that I needed a change. I wanted to understand why I was struggling with my weight and find a solution that would work for me long-term. That's when I stumbled upon an antique shop during a trip to Lebanon.

While browsing through the shop, I found an ancient manuscript that caught my eye. It talked about the mind-body connection to weight loss and how it was more than just what you eat. I was fascinated and decided to buy it. Little did I know, that purchase would change my life forever.

As I read through the manuscript, I began to implement the principles it outlined during my travels through the Mediterranean. I started eating more whole foods, incorporating more movement into my daily routine, and practicing mindfulness. It wasn't an overnight transformation, but slowly and steadily, I began to see results.

I lost weight, gained energy, and felt happier than I had in years. It was like a veil had been lifted and I could finally see clearly. I knew that I had to share this newfound knowledge with others who were struggling just like I had been. That's why I wrote a book to help others achieve their weight loss goals using the principles I had learned.

My mission now is to inspire and empower others to take control of their health and wellness by understanding the mind-body connection. I want to help others break free from the cycle of dieting and find sustainable solutions that work for them. It's been a journey, but one that I wouldn't trade for anything.